2c Washington Carmine on Oriental Buff
To General Harry Bandholtz
2c Washington carmine on oriental buff pse with 8c M. Washington (232)
to pay for the required Registry Fee. (eBay $630.00)

The following email received from Dr. Tommy Sim regarding the above envelope addressed to Gen. Bandholtz.

My dear friends,
This cover from ebay that ended this morning was bought at an incredible price.  The ending price just blew me away....

My initial assessment on this cover:

1.    It is a Bandholtz cover on PSE, well might go for $ 100.

2.    Registered and had the 13 cents overprint Philippines 1903 issue, add $ 60-75.

3.    Wishful thinking, maybe the stamp had an OB handstamped..... add another $100.

So, I planned to put a maximum bid of $ 275.00 (hesitantly) hoping that I had a good chance of getting it. Well, it ended up to $ 630.0.  I could not fathom why the last three bidders went up that high.  Maybe because it was a registered PSE cover or the 13 cent stamp was used for the registration fee.  Or the bidders needed a cover for that stamp value... Am I missing something on this cover?

Any comments???

